The amount of money that was made by Mr. Weber in creating a drama about the new seven wonders of the world prompted me to write this. Having lived in Agra for more than 20 years I feel that some expression should be made of the amazing state of affairs now.
Was in Agra for a couple of days and was happy that the city truly follows what the creators of the constitution expected, freedom. Freedom to spit gutkha wherever you want, freedom to take a leak whenever and wherever you desire, freedom to park your vehicle wherever you want, abuse anyone and everyone and no one would take offence at it. Truly amazing.
The city should erect statues of the Late Sanjay Gandhi as there is one road in Agra which is the equivalent of the Ring Road in Delhi in importance, and was created by him in 1977. The road is the lifeline of the city and the truly amazing part is that while the number of vehicles have increased by at least 100 times, the road has shrunk actually. This results in complete chaos on the road. The human being driving cant be blamed as he is still caught in a time wrap and is unaware that there is something called a 'red-light' also and of course zebra is an animal and not a traffic signal. Incidentally there is not a single zebra crossing in the city, it is useless as the human being who crosses the street expects the person driving to take care of him.
You should then have a look at the state of hygiene in the city, the smog is so high that it reminds me of the ITO crossing 10 years ago. There is so much filth on roads(wherever they exist) that you can probably die of dengue before you reach your destination. Chewing paan/paaan masala/gutkha is like people have water in other cities, of course you have the right to spit where you feel like. So much for democracy.
It is sad site to see as I have seen the city degrading itself from what it was some 10 years ago to what it is now. The cheerful city of the past has been converted to an overgrown village, thanks to the various people MPs/MLAs who have raped the city again and again. Incidentally the current Member of Parliament is known to do this in movies. Alas, he has done it to my city.